

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Simply Challenge Challenges, Embrace your Inner Betty

Welcome to Simply Challenge Challenges first challenge. This is so exciting for me as it is my first challenge with them too! :-) We will be having 4 challenges per month, with each challenge lasting a month, so today's challenge SCCJune7 is open for entries until July 6th and then we'll post SCCJuly7.

On the 7th of the month we will have a Hosted by... challenge, which will be hosted by DT and Guest DT members.
On the 14th of the month we will have a Themed Challenge.
On the 21st of the month we will have an Anything Goes Challenge - you just need to use a SBS image.
On the 28th of the month we will have our 12 Months of Halloween Challenge - a different Halloween Challenge every month of the year.

Prizes!!! Well you never know what the prize will be every now and again there will be a Suzi' Surprise Prize, all they said is that it will be based on participation in the challenges, so you gotta be in it to win it!!

Now onto today's challenge;
Hosted by Betty - Embrace your Inner Betty
Your challenge is to create a project using any of the 'Betty' images from SBS to show us your Inner Betty, we want to see what Betty's images mean to you, so you might want to make a fun and quirky card, or something spooky and beautiful, it's up to you!!
Make sure you go check out all the DT's projects too, and leave them some LOVE!! 

and here is my Embrace your Inner Betty project: I chose this for Embrace Your Inner Betty because Betty is Beautiful inside and out, BUT you HAVE to HAVE fun too and be a kid at heart! :-) 
If you would like to get her or any of the other Betty's for yourself just go to: 
Hope it inspires you to join in the fun! 


  1. Corinne my friend, what a lovely creation! Simply beautiful!!!! Fabi

  2. Beyond gorgeous! Coloring is amazing! I love it!

  3. Fabulous Corinne.... wish I looked that great in a bikini!! xx

  4. GORGEOUS coloring, Corinne! Beautiful card.
    Hugs and smiles

  5. Very your coloring.

  6. Great coloring and such a fun shape to the card! Love the pearls in the background and the big bow! Fabulous! :D
