

Friday, August 17, 2012

Jude & The Rockers Halloween Blog Hop

Well Jude & The Rockers Halloween  set was released on Tuesday but we are doing another Hop as today is the last day of the SALE on them! you should have come here from Celina's blog so if you didn't start at the beginning go to Simply Betty's Blog and start at the beginning so you don't miss out on anything!
So I have been DYING for them to come out so I could make something special for our Grandbabies Mason and Elliana and  step granddaughter Caitlin and of course I will make an extra one to put away for Adaline when she is born to have next year! :-)
This is the Halloween bag I made and you just HAVE to go see Trudie's Tutorial on how to do this.. This is one AMAZING woman with so much talent in her but she doesn't seem to realize this info! Please leave her some love and let her know how GREAT she is! Hope you like my bag, now to get 3 more made up! LOL

Side one Colored with my Copic markers, now on the other side of the bag!

 side 2 colored with my Copic Markers!

 Side one completed.....

 Close up view

close up view...
Little Skeleton Oscar white Copic Opaque White on him for the white of his face and bones...
I took my cropadile and  laid my ribbon down on the bag where I wanted it and punched my holes through the bag and ribbon at the same time...and attached my ribbon with eyelets.. I was thinking about it being a 2 year old and a 3 year old carrying these bags. So I didn't want to much on it that would get torn off and I needed the ribbon to be attached really well as to not come off! Didn't add any other embellishments as you know as well as I do that with them running and excited if I put to much on them it will get destroyed ....LOL
Oh and the background moon  / fence is a MAKE IT CRAFTY background...I used my computer program gimp and removed the pumpkins so they wouldn't be in the way of my little Jude & the Rockers...

Hope you like my bag


  1. i love your bag, how crafty is it

  2. Oh my gosh! I wish you could see me! I am having a fit over this cute bag! I want to make them for the kids next door for Halloween! So cute! Just so cute! I got a Cameo Silhouette for my birthday so I am looking forward to playing with it! I am also a new follower to your blog, come follow me back if you like!



  3. WOMAN! Your did an amazing job! My Jude wants one!

  4. This turned out FABULOUS! Great job! TFS!

  5. Corinne, you are awesome!!! This is amazing. Love you girl xxx

  6. Fantastic they look stunning :)

  7. OMG!!! This is just fantastic!!!! I also have that background stamp from MIC. i just love this. You outdid yourself!!!

  8. That is one amazing and creative project! I LOVE it!!!

  9. LOVE this bag!!! && those images are just so stinken cute! Cannot wait to see you tomorrow :]

  10. Such a cute idea.....great for the little ones to collect their yummies in.

  11. Corinne please can I be your adopted grandchild?!! I really REALLY want one of these!!! :D Thank you so much for sharing this with us :D xxx

  12. Wow, you're bag came out so beautiful! It's a piece of art

  13. AWESOME...I think this is a great idea!

  14. oh my amazing... I love love the idea,

  15. This is beyond fabulous. Love all the detail, coloring and the personalization. I just started working with Gimp but love seeing how your coloring skills and digital mastery gives me something to keep working towards.

  16. This is just stunning!
    very clever
    Love Jan

  17. I want one!!! lol love it! awesome job!!!

  18. oh my goodness... you need to be selling those bags.... because they are too cute!!!!
