

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Irene's Birthday Blog Hop

Today is a VERY SPECIAL Day! It is my TWIN SISTER'S Birthday! YES we have Different Birthday's! 5 minutes Before midnight and 5 minutes After midnight...
So I have made this very special card for her using her Headshot that Betty made..

"Twin Sisters"
Twins we are, it's plain to see. 
I'm just like you, your just like me. 
Two Grown together from the start 
Beneath our Mother's Loving heart.

Though we may walk our seperate paths, 
You'll always be my other half.
Lord, Thank you from both of us because
We were born with our BEST FRIENDS.

I love you Rene
Happy Birthday to you!!!
I do hope you are feeling better and we will Celebrate our Birthday's this coming weekend!!! 
HUGE Hugs from Cyber Space till you are all better and I can do it in person!

Start the Hop at  Simply Betty's Blog so you don't miss out on anything...


  1. so sweet ...hugs to both of you dear ladies :)

  2. OMG! This card is beautiful!!! I also loved the sentiment you wrote on your blog...very sweet!! And I really did not know you were born on different days...that is SO COOL!!!!!

  3. Wow, your card is just incredible! I soo love it. I love you very much!

  4. Ok so it looks like you made us ALL cry Miss Corinne. How is that possible. The card is beautiful as your relationship with your sister is. So very proud of both of you.

  5. So precious...beautiful card, great post and only hope my girls keep their love as strong as you two have as sisters.

  6. Very pretty! Love your old pics ;)
