

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ugly Christmas Sweater Betty

Today I am showing you what I played with yesterday... 
Drew up a new fab image..
Ugly Christmas Sweater Betty and is doing a contest for you to make or do whatever you want on front of sweater.. go check out the details on her blog...  Pretty cool idea huh? 
Well I just had to play along and pick on Betty at the same time.
so here is what I came up with..

I figured since she called it UGLY Christmas Sweater Betty, that is would be funny to put "MY" face on the front to make the sweater
Copic's used:
E000,00,11,51, BV20
E17,18,19 YR14

Since it is Christmas and I am SOOO wanting snow, I added my snowflake border die.. and a few layered snowflakes.. and then added diamond stickles..

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